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Standard Modular Solution

Reduction in cost and flexibility of design are the prime requisites of any structural construction and are definitive of its efficiency. A well laid out architectural plan serves the best purpose and is a success in both aesthetic and ergonomic terms. EBASE has been delivering the highest level of innovative technology and precision engineering and offers the leading standard modular solutions for a myriad of construction types. Easy to install and lightweight structure makes prefabricated modular buildings highly desirable and serve an effective alternative to conventional construction methods.


As one size cannot fit all needs, the design team at EBASE creates perfect construction layouts that comply with the highest industry standards and are a unique solution to vast customer requirements. Prefabricated modular solutions offer off-site construction and a hassle free installation with great augmentation possibilities. Modifications and alterations are extremely simple and can change the whole plan of the structure.

Adding up new modules or re-iterating the same is carried out by EBASE, the top standard modular solutions provider and prefab structure manufacturers. K prefabricated houses are the best modular solutions and offer a variety of dimensional and design possibilities that give way to a multitude of construction layouts. Manufactured off-site and installed on-site, these alternate buildings are effective solutions that satisfy vast application requisites. The core structure is constructed from high strength steel of various grades that depend upon the specific requirements and are provided with composite insulation panel envelops to offer durable facets which serve great benefits. Augmentation or exclusion of sections leads to easy design modifications and suits a vast variety of fabrication and construction styles. Being the leading modular structure suppliers, EBASE applies its extensive expertise and market knowledge to the manufacturing process and delivers its customers, the prime prefab modular solutions.

K houses and liftable tables are the major iterations and applications of modular construction solutions. These prefabricated derivatives offer the following beneficial features:
  • Prefab modular solutions offer lightweight construction
  • These structures are durable and have a long service span
  • The facets can be enveloped in PUF / EPS sandwich panels
  • Use of superior materials and employing meticulous techniques leads to great energy savings and thermal insulation
  • Less weight and vast flexibility options make the modular K homes desirable
  • These structures are best suited for construction sites and camps
  • Modular buildings may be used for long-term, temporary or permanent facilities
  • They are the best alternatives to wood and concrete structures and offer dry construction
  • Low waste generating and 100% recyclable prefab modular solutions
  • Design flexibility is a leading feature offered by EBASE, the top modular house suppliers in India


Smart and energy-efficient housing solutions

K-Houses are the introductions to prefabricated structure construction and have gained wide popularity in vast applications. EBASE the top K-House manufacturer in India serves the best economical prefabricated structures that are constructed as a combination of several modules.

Build as per an efficient design and structured based on IS code standards, EBASE manufactured prefabricated K-HOUSES are enveloped in dry walls made from the best sandwich panels.

Best-In-Class K-House features

Suitable for a wide range of applications, K-Houses are a perfect solution to myriad constructions and act as quick and effective alternative to conventional ways. With a lightweight skeleton and best insulated panel envelop, these prefabricated houses manufactured by EBASE, the top prefabricated K-Home supplier are convenient to assemble and disassemble. Their top features include the following:
  • Lightweight and stable structure from a flexible construction
  • Safe and reliable design that meets the construction requirements
  • Easy relocation from a hassle free assembly and disassembly
  • Diverse facet options from attractive panels to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the structure
  • K-Houses manufactured by EBASE are weatherproof and water repellent
  • The Leak-proof structure helps retain heat and effectively insulates the interiors from harsh outdoor temperatures
  • The structure and panels are corrosion resistant making it last for a lifetime
  • EBASE, the best portable house manufacturer in India offers products that can effectively be transported between locations

K-House utilizations

K-Houses have a wide usage as temporary constructions and are widely adopted as the best re-locatable structures. Liftable structures have vast benefits that popularize their utilization in the following:
  • Site office / Camp office
  • Engineer Accommodation
  • Labour Accommodation
  • Family Accommodation
  • Time Office / QC Office
  • Canteen / Site Kitchen
  • School & Training centers
  • Health Centers/ Anganwadis
  • Ablution / Toilet block
  • Disaster relief camps / Refugee camps
  • Temporary hospitals

Benefits with EBASE

The best portable house manufacturer in India, EBASE serves its client requirements with prefabricated structures that are an example for quality and durability. These liftable homes offer the following benefits:
  • Portable and Reusable: All components are standard and fabricated in factory, which makes it suitable for recycling.
  • Quick Installation: K-Houses are quick and easy to erect and being made from light-weight materials offer convenience in re-location.
  • Stable Structure: EBASE K-House has a flexible construction system, which is safe, reliable and meets the highest standards of construction and design.
  • Easy reconstruction: The K-House can be disassembled multiple times and reused. It just needs simple tools to assemble and disassemble.
  • Flexible Layout: The ergonomics can be set up as per personal desired and altered whenever wished
  • Waterproof structure: The K-House adopts a waterproof design. So it does not need any special waterproof treatment.
  • Environmental and Economic: Prefabricated K-Houses from the top portable house manufacturer in India offer benefits of low energy consumption and have no negative environmental impact.
What are the wall and roof facets in K-House made from?

EPS/PUF Panels are commonly used to envelop to K-House structure and offer great benefits of weather resistance, thermal insulation, lightweight structure and aesthetic appealing surfaces.

Can the K-Houses be assembled without professional help?

Absolutely! K-Houses are assembled from modular sections that can be easily combined as “Do It Yourself” projects and simple tools. However we recommend that you avail professional help from our technical staff to guide throughout the process.

Does K-House assemble produce any construction waste?

Being a form of dry construction, K-House assemble or disassembly does not produce any waste every component serves a specific purpose and can be joined without using any binding agent thus promoting clean and quick construction.

MI- Home

EBASE MI Homes are a Flat pack kit which is built on efficiently designed structures as per IS code. It is surrounded by protective EPS Panels that can be quickly erected to create structures for different applications like small to medium sized clinics, toilet blocks, guard rooms, disaster relief camps. Etc.

Each Module creates a small room that can either be used as a standalone building which accommodate up to 4 people, or linked with other modules (including kitchen, bathroom, hall etc.) to create a range of self-contained housing, commercial and industrial solution.

The design of EBASE MI Homes are so compact that a kit of 24 Flat pack can be easily loaded in a standard shipping container for transporting by Road, Rail, Sea or Air .

Best-in-class MI-Home features

  • DIY Kit
  • Eco Friendly
  • Relocatable/li>
  • Adjustable footing

MI-Home utilizations

Mi-Homes have a wide usage as temporary constructions and are widely adopted as the best re-locatable structures. It have vast benefits that popularize their utilization in the following:

  • Small to Medium size clinics
  • School buildings
  • Corporate Offices
  • Community Halls
  • Toilet Block/Ablution
  • Disaster Relief Camp
  • Military Camps
  • Multipurpose Buildings